Crist may decide fate of natural gas port off Fort Lauderdale
|South Florida Sun-Sentinel
CRAZY!!!!!!!! Headline from Sun Sentinel
OK... This is a bad idea. The Suez Energy North America's Calypso Deepwater Port is a joke. Part of the report says that it is hurricane proof. Is anything? Do you remember the Andrew damage? I do, and there is a lot of potential for something not to be hurricane proof. I hope that Crist does the right thing here but I am doubtful as the state is in desperate need for money.
The reefs are in serious danger. The beach could sustain a large blast not to mention a bad view. Three football fields large, sitting on the ocean approx 10 miles offshore.
Right now I am ranting, but I am starting to ramp up on actions we can do to stop this as well as delve deeper into this thing to prove my gut reaction to the thing being a BAD IDEA.
Great book to read on the perfect storm that was called Katrina: The Great Deluge by Douglas Brinkley. He is a professor from Tulane and this happened in his backyard.
Let's not forget the best shortcoming from this: "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva a job." -w
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