I have just signed up for the CSA (Community Service Agriculture) here in South Florida << Bee Heaven Farm >>. Can I say how excited I am? I will be giving less money to Whole Paycheck and I will be supporting a local farm. I was on wait lists in Austin, TX but never made it before I moved. I also signed up for honey. LOCAL wildflower honey. Tres Yummy. It may be too much but we shall see. They also have local eggs and Tilapia. So Once I am in, there are other local options. Lower the carbon footprint now!!!
Another thing that I am happy about is that it gets back to my Jersey roots. I grew up in the sticks of South Jersey (yep, no exit for us) and we lived with farm fruit and veggies and it was all seasonal. How great is that? We grew veggies too. I love that there is a movement and desire to return to it. Strawberries that taste like strawberries... don't get me started on the Jersey corn or beefsteak tomatoes. I also crave the zucchini.
So here is how you can start your CSA adventure - vote with your dollar and ethically support your community - it makes a global impact a lot quicker than you think.
Discover CSA's and Farmer's Markets around you through Local Harvest. Great resource!!!
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